Your favorite football player gets massages, why not your equine athletes?


I offer a one-hour massage session for any equine breed or discipline. Within this hour I will work with 25 muscles providing deep tissue pressure to release endorphins and any adhesions that have developed in the muscle.

Benefits of massage include:

  • Relaxation

  • Stress reduction

  • Increased flexibility

  • Reduction of edema (swelling)

  • Maintenance of good body posture and balance

  • Prevention of atrophy in inactive muscles

  • Improvement of athletic performance

  • Loosening and softening of scar tissue

  • Improves circulation

  • Promotes more rapid healing of injuries

  • Enhances muscle tone

  • Eases muscle spasms

  • Promotes synovial fluid production in joints

  • The enhancement of waste and toxin elimination

  • Lengthens connective tissue and breaks down/prevents the formation of adhesions and reduces the danger of fibrosis


To prevent adhesions from forming I recommend a regular maintenance horse to get massaged once a month. Depending on your horse’s specific needs I can come to see them more often if that is within budget and time restrictions.

I am currently asking $90 per horse for the one-hour session.

If you book three or more horses with me during one visit I will discount the price to $80 per horse.

I wish to work closely with your veterinarian so I will ask for consent forms to be signed before I work on your horse for their safety.

My goal is to work with your horse through their recovery and see them thrive through multiple sessions rather than just one and done.

I am always looking for new ways to learn and improve my knowledge of horses. I am looking to expand my services within the year. Please let me know if there is a service that you would like to see me provide for your horse